OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, October 21st, 5-8pm

Anna Zorina Gallery, 734 East 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013

ON VIEW: October 21 - December 2

Atlatl, oil on canvas, 64 x 58 inches, 2023.

CASTING SHADOWS, James Razko’s inaugural solo exhibition will feature his latest series of paintings, “Monomyth,” and recent work from his acclaimed “Tiles” series. In this show Razko masterfully employs what he calls “hyper-illusion,” challenging viewers to distinguish between reality and imagination. “Monomyth” initially resembles collages but then transforms into intricate mythologically-pregnant manipulations of compressed space. “Meanwhile, in ‘Tiles,’ Razko merges Western Trompe L’oeil and Islamic mosaic traditions, revealing complex narratives beneath the lifelike surface, marked by the passage of time and conflict.” Razko’s work across both series underscores the pivotal role of illusion in transcending personal and cultural boundaries while exploring universal themes of humanity.

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